Monday, September 3, 2007


I am in a 10K AIDS walk here in LA. It will be on Sunday October 21st. Any donations you would like to make through me would be greatly appreciated. My goal is $150 because I'm only asking for $5 from each person. Everyone has $5 to spare. If you would like to donate more... go for it. TO donate go to

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Degrading of Society..... more noticeable on sundays?

Driving home tonight, the conflicting forces of good and evil were around me. Thank goodness, good prevailed and overwhelmed the arena. But because evil showed its terrible face the differences were more apparent. The day had been wonderful. Yes, I slept most of the morning, but I fasted, gave the best testimony I feel I have ever borne, (and received many sincere -by the looks on people's faces- compliments on it), had a great talk with Tanner, enjoyed wonderful lessons in church, socialized with people, and WROTE IN MY JOURNAL. The day had been exquisitely spiritual and I loved it! But it all must come to least for the night. Back to the drive: After the spiritualness of the day I encountered billboards (welcome to LA) that were far from my experience of the day, both advertising new television shows (including one that was on abc, which used to boast of being a family channel):
1. Cain...Power is Sweet
2. Dirty Sexy Money
What about either of those makes anyone feel good inside? what about those makes us feel worthwhile about ourselves (except for the fact that we are better than that...). It pained me inside to see the destructive power that has overtaken television....that has overtaken our world, country, our society. But now, even as I write this, it is all over: the feelings, the caring about it.......because it is an overwhelming task for one individual and it is so integrated into people's lives. I'm starting to ramble now......

Saturday, September 1, 2007

the ups and downs of this job i call a life

The emotions and feelings swell back and forth. It reminds me of a ride at Lagoon in Utah. There is a pirate ship that sways back and forth from stern to stern, getting higher and higher each time. The people sit in seats facing towards the center of the ship. Being a nanny is the same way. One minute I love these girls, they are so sweet, and the next, I am ready to walk out or condemn myself to avoid motherhood at all costs. And like the riders of the ship, one moment -as the riders swing backwards grasping the idea of how high they have actually reached- I am painfully aware of the mistakes I make and the rough path I have chosen. The next moment -as the riders swing forward unaware of how equally high the other way is- I am caught up in the sweetness of their innocence and creativeness and sweet love of everything they come across.
Tonight, the girls were tired as they came in from napping in the car on the ride home from the pool party. But yet they wanted to watch a movie. Soon after their parents left for dinner out with friends, the girls were extremely active and loud. I threatened them with bedtime, then I was chasing them and we were all giggling and laughing. Then they were loud and disobedient again and I was threatening....again. I finally followed through and it was off to bed, but not without being sidetracked by a quick snack (in place of missed dinner after a late lunch). We were upstairs and giggly and soon in the tub where, despite their earlier hyperness, they were very good listeners. The quick, uneventful bath led to calmness which made for a quick pajama dressing session and bedtime stories. They were so sweet as I read to them, pointing out there favorite characters in the stories. Ally, the oldest, even read her story again, with a much different storyline yet similar plot, with thanks to the pictures. I always set Nanna in my lap with Ally to my right side, no matter whose bed I am on. I love having Nanna in my lap. She is so.......lovable at that moment. In that moment she feels as if she is mine. I grasp what it is like to have a child of my own. When I put them to bed and read them stories the night ends well and they sleep right away, and.....I feel more on top of the world than ever before. It is nights that end like that, that make it all worthwhile. And the pirate ship ride of it all....... I'm not sure if that will fade, but I hope it will, because then..... that means I have learned to step into their world. I am not a stingy restrictive adult: I am a fun friend who helps them do the right things. Right now I get sleepy-tired and want-my-life-back-tired, which then makes me less patient and more easily frustrated. When I take a moment to step back, then there is nothing but fun and excitement. But then that is where the pirate-ship mood swings come into play. I go back and forth, back and forth. My twisted love affair...........

mesh of thoughts......only to precede more

I am well on my way! to so many things....... I finally figured out stuff with the University of Utah and am on my way to using the online class system. Life is good. The girls start school next week and I have part of the day Monday (Labor Day) off to go play with friends. Yesterday, the girls, their dad, and I got back from Utah at one pm. I had the rest of the day off and pretty much slept the whole time. Today the family went to a pool party at noon and are still gone even though it is almost 6pm. They said a couple of hours..... so maybe 2pm or 3 pm they would be home, buthtey aren't which is really nice! but part of me wishes I would have known so I could have hung out with friends. But time off is time off:)
The reason I logged on to blog was because I was a way. I finally started sorting through some of my junk. I have this bad habit of collecting magazines! only lately though because magazines are now available that weren't before..."Parents" and "Child." They have such great ideas that I want them available. But not just those, I went through a binder of stuff I had out in my room and quotes. It was so good to see that stuff. It made me feel more at home. Man, if I could just write in my journal the way I like to type lately...maybe this will become my journal, this is a good way to see my writing progress since journalism is kind of part of my major..... parks, recreation, and tourism. There are different majors under that department but I'm not sure which one, at the moment, I will be focusing on. But I hope to be experiencing the adventures of the outdoors and then writing on them. So this blog will follow my progress of writing skills. Back to the reminiscing...... I found my patriarchal blessing!! yea! and tomorrow is Fast Sunday, so I can read that and the new Ensign in the morning. Life is so exciting right now....I am so upbeat and I just wish I could get things settled with the U but it is Labor Day weekend and the deadline for registration and tuition is the Tuesday after. My procrastination has amazing timing, does it not? Live and learn, live and learn. I must roll with it and then next round chose how I roll. Life is amazing! I miss my cousin Kara -our relationship is deemed to be best friends if we could just get together- who just moved to Provo as I moved out. I was able to visit with her while visiting Utah with the family, and I wish we could hang out. We have so much fun and she doesn't have any tight friends in that area right now.
I have much more to say but I really want to get my mess of reminiscing out of the way. here is always tonight.......and always tomorrow.