Monday, June 29, 2009

LIfe is Made of Moments

Life is amazing right now. I am really maturing and starting to realize what is important. Marriage, kids, loving life, enduring the hard times, etc. The moments I am making right now are.... indescribable. I love Dill Pill.... what would I do without her? and ellice? they bless my life and they add to my moments, especially dill. They cal me moppy or nikki but they say nikki really operatic-like: nikkkiiiii. oh but their latest and greatest is cookie. yes my nickname is cookie, lol. nicknames are ellice's things for sure

Classic Delia Face

Ellice and Noelle

Under the lyrics is a video of my two girls. It's hilarious. I hope to actually hear this song one day and the n make a collage of pics of my girls with it playing.

Lyrics to “Made of Moments” by Adam Garza

When I wake up, and the sun is shinin' on my faceA brand new day calls my name
I've got to find my keys and start on my way, hey

So many things can happen in one day
Maybe today, she'll say, she wants to marry me
So many things can happen in one year
Oh did ya hear, that song, what's on the news
Yea, my brother's coming home soon
Life is made of moments, a hundred years slip through the sands of time
I wanna remember, this time
If life is worth living, life is worth recording
So I got to thinkin’ if today my life should pass away
How much of me will have remained
Should I have taken one small moment each day
To etch in gold my life for always, so I wont fade
Life is made of moments a hundred years slip through the sands of time
I wanna remember, this time, this time
Life is sharing moments, of all these years I hope to keep this one in mind
I wanna remember, I wanna remember
The late night camping scene when all were fast asleep
My first new set of wheels, I tried so hard not to speed
It meant so much to me what grandpa said to me
The night before he walked into the light
The day I saw the eyes of my love dressed in white
The sound of life, the sound of my son’s first cry
Life keeps rolling on, with memories forever gone
And I just want to hold on, hold on
Oh yea hold on, hold on
If life is worth living, life is worth recording, now

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Return..... -of a friend and -of school

Kelia returns!!!! Kelia has been on a mission to Argentina since October 2007. That is so weird cuz that is when I was a nanny. Which doesn't seem that long ago but it feels like Kelia has been gone for such a long time. She didn't seem too different, maybe a little more mellow, but then again she had just been on a 15 hour flight. She was happy to be home but missed Argentina very much. Her mom was there snapping pics like crazy! which reminds me I need to get those pictures from her. She has some of me and Kelia actually posing, which I don't. This is all I have: Me giving her balloons and hugging her.

But I do have a picture of her and her mom:)

Now that's the Kelia I know!!!

I can't wait to "get to know her" again. She can help me with my Spanish:) Although I am getting a bachelor of arts in Therapeutic Recreation or Adventure and Outdoor Programs. That means I get to take a language. So last week I went to sign up for classes and realized I was required to see an advisor and then attend orientation before doing registering. SO i met with Becky and learned what classes would be best to take first (I was right on the money). Next week I will attend orientation and then I'll be set! I am so excited to go to school. Although by the time that rolls around winter will be going and that is no bueno;/ But for now I will prepare for school and enjoy summer:D

Sunday, May 3, 2009


So I have a new job.... I work at Westridge Academy (formerly known as Utah Boys Ranch). I work on the girls side. It has been around only 3 or 4 years tops, whereas the boys has been around for almost 40 years! It is the perfect job. I am a livein counselor. I have my own apartment attached to the home. There are three homes on girls side. Boys side has eight homes. Not all the homes are open with kids in them though. Our numbers are down right now. It is a great job. I wake up the girls at 6:30am and I leave them after breakfast at 8am. SO in the fall I can go to school right after. Then I just get to be back to work at 6pm till 10pm. It has its ups and downs but it is great. My bosses (Jeff and Jay) have told me recently that they prayed strongly over the decision of who to hire and they felt very impressed to hire me. I hope I can live up to their expectations.

Some weeks are good some are rough. Some days are amazing and some days I just want to curl up and go back to bed. But truly, isn't every job that way? At least I am helping girls get on the right track. *cross your fingers* I love these girls. They are all so unique and really bring something to this campus. Even the ones who drive me nuts a majority of the time. Anywho, we had a Gala fundraiser in the month of April. The girls and boys dressed up in vests, bow ties, white shirts and black pants to be servers to the guests. I got to help supervise. I wasn't able to get a picture of the girls. They all changed before I could. They all hated how they looked, lol. They were all super professional and did an amazing job! I felt so proud. Especially of H.

Here are some pics of the girls. One is of StS and me. She is shorter than me so she asked me to squat down. And she is even on her toes haha.

I love the boys. They are all my little brothers. Any chance I get to work on the boys side is a treat, well, kinda. They aren't perfect for sure, but they are straight up usually. It's a bigger campus too so there seems to be a lot going on. Dave and Justin (2 live-ins on boys side that I hang with. First is H home, latter is J home) had a water fight between their homes. I wish I could've been there. Although I have already been soaked by a staff over there and he will receive his dues. All the staff are like brothers too. So back to the Gala, lol, there are pics of some of the boys too.

For the Gala I volunteered to create the display to represent the homes. Linda Stone (Pond Parent) and Dave (H live-in) helped me out. Here's the pics of it. Jeff and Jay were super impressed by it. Jeff took us out to lunch as a reward. I like Jeff, he's a good guy. Very friendly and fun to joke with. He has it together. He is over boys and girls campuses but is foremost a therapist. Jay is Night security supervisor and over girls side. I wish I had pics of them :P

I know this is where I need to be right now. Even though my wanderlust eye is always scanning the horizon for new paths, I will stay here for at least a year, hopefully more. Not long enough to get stuck in Utah but long enough to graduate from the U-??? and also to create some stability in Sage home. and the campus. I replaced a live-in 3 months ago today (well yesterday now, haha). Then our Sage home live-out (Crystal) left a week ago and Pond live-in (Mandy) had her last day yesterday. Kim, new Sage home live-out, is not new to the campus, just new to the position. She has been here 3 years and held all sorts of positions. Our new live-in, Megan, worked in a another stricter program. She has worked two days only so far, but seems great. So there are just a lot of changes right now. I better be careful not to get burnt out by working so much (my normal position plus night security, boys side, and rec trips). I want to go on rec trips though because my major is rec therapy. In fact I have pics of the a camping trip that was 3 or 4 days long. I was only there for the last day and a half. I will get pics up asap. Well that's all for now folks. Ya happy Christina????!!!! :PPP

Saturday, January 24, 2009

About Dang Time!!

So I have been so busy since my last post. I went to Europe for a couple months and had a blast (except when I had my purse stolen- don't ask) I bought a new snowboard and gear and am so excited to use them all winter. I am currently working at Gold Gym, attending institute and helping my cool friend Christina with her wild kiddos. Here are some cute pics from years ago, Enjoy the laughs: