Sunday, September 2, 2007

Degrading of Society..... more noticeable on sundays?

Driving home tonight, the conflicting forces of good and evil were around me. Thank goodness, good prevailed and overwhelmed the arena. But because evil showed its terrible face the differences were more apparent. The day had been wonderful. Yes, I slept most of the morning, but I fasted, gave the best testimony I feel I have ever borne, (and received many sincere -by the looks on people's faces- compliments on it), had a great talk with Tanner, enjoyed wonderful lessons in church, socialized with people, and WROTE IN MY JOURNAL. The day had been exquisitely spiritual and I loved it! But it all must come to least for the night. Back to the drive: After the spiritualness of the day I encountered billboards (welcome to LA) that were far from my experience of the day, both advertising new television shows (including one that was on abc, which used to boast of being a family channel):
1. Cain...Power is Sweet
2. Dirty Sexy Money
What about either of those makes anyone feel good inside? what about those makes us feel worthwhile about ourselves (except for the fact that we are better than that...). It pained me inside to see the destructive power that has overtaken television....that has overtaken our world, country, our society. But now, even as I write this, it is all over: the feelings, the caring about it.......because it is an overwhelming task for one individual and it is so integrated into people's lives. I'm starting to ramble now......