Monday, May 4, 2009

The Return..... -of a friend and -of school

Kelia returns!!!! Kelia has been on a mission to Argentina since October 2007. That is so weird cuz that is when I was a nanny. Which doesn't seem that long ago but it feels like Kelia has been gone for such a long time. She didn't seem too different, maybe a little more mellow, but then again she had just been on a 15 hour flight. She was happy to be home but missed Argentina very much. Her mom was there snapping pics like crazy! which reminds me I need to get those pictures from her. She has some of me and Kelia actually posing, which I don't. This is all I have: Me giving her balloons and hugging her.

But I do have a picture of her and her mom:)

Now that's the Kelia I know!!!

I can't wait to "get to know her" again. She can help me with my Spanish:) Although I am getting a bachelor of arts in Therapeutic Recreation or Adventure and Outdoor Programs. That means I get to take a language. So last week I went to sign up for classes and realized I was required to see an advisor and then attend orientation before doing registering. SO i met with Becky and learned what classes would be best to take first (I was right on the money). Next week I will attend orientation and then I'll be set! I am so excited to go to school. Although by the time that rolls around winter will be going and that is no bueno;/ But for now I will prepare for school and enjoy summer:D